Mission Statement

The Prayer Book Society of the USA encourages and supports the understanding and use of the classical Book of Common Prayer (in its editions up to and including the American edition of 1928), as the definitive witness to the Anglican Way of doctrine and worship.

Visit The Anglican Way

The Anglican Way is a journal  for those seeking to navigate the fragmented landscape of modern Anglicanism. Rooted in the doctrines and liturgy of the historic Prayer Book, the Articles, and classical divines, this online magazine endeavors to articulate and celebrate the rich intellectual and spiritual heritage of Anglicanism.

Drawing on the collective wisdom of traditional thinkers and believers throughout the church’s history, The Anglican Way fosters a dialogue that bridges diverse churchmanships—low, broad, and high—united by a commitment to the historic liturgy and orthodox faith. Explore thoughtful articles that emphasize theological clarity and coherence, inviting readers to rediscover their common roots in the Anglican tradition. 

Visit The Anglican Way to join this vibrant community dedicated to the serious intellectual and moral engagement that defines classical Anglicanism.

History of the PBS

Like its sister societies in England and Canada, the Prayer Book Society of the USA (PBSUSA) was founded in the early 1970’s, amidst a wave of liturgical experimentation in the Anglican and Episcopal churches, which culminated in the abolition of the 1928 Prayer Book of the Episcopal Church, and its replacement in 1979 by a new book with the same name but radically new content. The use of the old Prayer Book continued, however, to this day, both inside and outside the Episcopal Church.

Since its inception, the PBS has been unwavering in its mission to uphold and promote the worship and doctrine of the Anglican tradition as articulated in the Book of Common Prayer, both inside and outside the Episcopal Church. The Society strives not only to protect the Prayer Book’s enduring legacy but also to enhance its role in the spiritual life of present and future generations.

Members of the Board


Fr. Gavin Dunbar


Fr. Gordon Anderson


Mr. Rick Wright


Canon Alistar Macdonald-Radcliff

The Rev’d David Thurlow | Mr. James Pritchard | Dr. David Anderson | Dr. Jesse Billett | Mr. Steven Vanderlip